Blijevissen – Aflsuitdijk - 2015
The river fish migration
…is a winding river passage through the dam (afsluitdijk) where migratory fish can swim through to reach from the Waddensea the IJsselmeer (lake) and vice versa. Migratory fish need both fresh and saltwater for their cycle of life. For the realization of the River Fish Migration Work a close collaboration between environmental organizations, fishermen and governments is present (zie colofon). On November 18, 2014 the first important step of this unique fish migration ladder was been realized. The responsible governments gave permission for the fish migration river and reserved the required amount of money for the construction of an opening through the dam (see press release).
Blijevissen - Happy Fish
Supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the initiators asked Bruno Doedens/SLeM to make the Fish Migration River experienceable. This resulted in a comprehensive plan for the visitors, where nature and culture are coming together. The striking landscape artwork, of hundreds so called “Happy-Fish”, which protrude above the water and rotate along with the tides. Accessible information, about the fish migration and its history, will be available for visitors. Watch the movie: Klick here