Sandscapes & Woodlands
Op het nieuwe strand van Strandeiland realiseren we in de zomer van 2021 de tijdelijke installaties ‘Sandscapes’ en ‘Woodlands’
Letsdance in Scheveningen
Zo'n 75 bollen dansend op de golven, bij eb op het zand, bij vloed in de zee. Van donderdag 18 t/m zondag 28 oktober is het dynamische kunstwerk ten zuiden van de Scheveningse Pier te vinden. Letsdance is een festivalonderdeel van de eerste editie van Sea Sights, een nieuw innovatiefestival aan en over de kust.
Een onderdeel van de tentoonstelling 'Places of Hope' is de 'Waddenkelder', een ode aan het dynamische Waddengebied. Je voelt de wind en het zand, je beleeft het dynamische ritme van eb en vloed. Naast deze natuurkrachten zie je beeldfragmenten van Sense-of-Place-projecten.
In het vroege voorjaar van 2018 bouwen twee zilveren graafmachines twintig zandringen van circa 150 bij 300 meter op het strand van Scheveningen ter gelegenheid van 200 jaar badcultuur van Scheveningen - Den Haag. Zand, wind, lucht, water en graafmachines spelen wekenlang een fascinerend en dynamisch spel met de zandringen.
Ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Joop Mulder als artistiek directeur van Oerol maken we in samenwerking met Oerol en de Vrienden van Oerol een zandsculptuur van het gezicht van Joop op de Noordsvaarder. De natuurkrachten zullen #DEJOOP doen verwaaien.
Kwelders Terschelling
In opdracht van Programma naar een Rijke Waddenzee (PRW) hebben Bruno Doedens / SLeM (namens Sense of Place / Oerol) en Martijn Dorenbosch / Bureau Waardenburg een Voorlopig Ontwerp Kwelders Terschelling opgesteld.
Het beoogde doel is het realiseren van ca. 88 hectare kwelders aan de zuidzijde van Terschelling.
Lichtlijn Semslinie
Als afsluiting van de festiviteiten rond 250 jaar Stadskanaal en 400 jaar Semslinie werd op zaterdag 19 december 2015 door aanwonenden langs het Annerveensche-, Eexterveensche, Stads- en Musselkanaal een 25 kilometer-lang, aaneengesloten(!) lint van 'Semsfakkels' ontstoken.
ZOUTZAND – Schouwen-Duiveland - 2015
A project in progress. The aim is to create an imaginative project to make the implementation process of sand replenishment at the Brouwersdam, Schouwen- Duiveland, experienceable for a broad public.
Landscape Games - 2015
Characteristic for 'Landscape Games' is that strength and energy of the playing human is used to transform the landscape into the desired direction.
''Landscape Games', an initiative by Hester Annema and Elisabeth Floris, aim to bring human and landscape transformations closer together by means of playing.
Windwerk – Oerol – 2016
A project in progress. SLeM is in collaboration with Sense of Place/Oerol, working on the preparations for the project Windwork 2016. A project in the light of Cultural Landscape Development with the ‘dune formation’ of the entire Wadden Sea area as the main theme.
Wadden-Zwaaien – Oerol - 2015
This year SLeM highlighted the entire Wadden Sea area at Oerol: from the Netherlands via Germany up to Denmark. As a final act of the Oerol festival SLeM created with many Oerol visitors a human map of the whole Wadden Sea. This resulted in a spectacular aerial photo of this Unesco World Heritage area.
Blijevissen - Afsluitdijk -2015
Supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the initiators asked Bruno Doedens/SLeM to make the Fish Migration River between the North Sea and IJsselmeer experienceable for visitors. A comprehensive plan where nature and culture are coming together.
Woodland - Denmark - 2014
'Woodland’, a project in the light of Cultural Landscape Development and part of the Vadehavsfestival “Wadden Tide 2014” in Denmark. A delicate poetic landscape, of one hundred thirty thousand small sticks at the northern beach Blåvand, built by the mobilization of social energy.
Wadland – Oerol - 2014
For Oerol 2014, a hundred and fifty by hundred an fifty meter wide Mondrian-Labyrinth was built out of willow-branches. An artistic expression and experience of the salt marsh processes. The project was realized during six workshops.

Geheugenpaleis - The Hague - 2013
For the exhibition 'Het geheugenpaleis' (memory palace) SLeM was asked to redesign a section. In the light of SLeM the National Archives were considered as a landscape; a repository to which everyday live experiences are added.
Pannenland - Oerol - 2013
The first project in the light of Cultural Landscape Development. A couple of weeks before the start of Oerol, four thousand french tiles were placed in a strict grid of 100 to 100 meters, at the beach of Hoornse Bos, Terschelling. The wind stimulates and visualizes the accumulation and distortion of the sands, the process in which the dunes and the island owe their viability.
Het OOG van Ruigoord - Amsterdam - 2013
A temporary landart-sculpture for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Ruigoord. The 'Eye' is a metaphor for seeing the world in another perspective, by accessing the environment with greater attention for eccentric ideal and social and cultural values.
It also functioned as a stage for full moon activities.
To project pages >
Flashmob Landscapes – Oerol - 2012
Part of the Oerol Festival in June 2012, at West Terschelling, visitors of the festival moved along on the waves that give form to the landscape and they experienced the forces that are constantly pushing and pulling the island. Experiencing the energy of the wind, sea, currents, sun, gravity and human activity.
Monstergolf – Hondsbossche en Pettemer dam - 2012
It was a spectacular opening, where hundreds of participants joined the ‘human wave’ at the Hondbossche and Pettemer dam for the 20th anniversary of the theatre festival Caravan in 2012. A three kilometer long 'Human Wave', moving with the tide, at the weakest point of the dam.
Zeezien - Hondsbossche en Pettemer dam - 2011
A theatrical experiment with the tides. Listen to the sea; the stories of waves and level workers. SLeM adds a new storyline to the already fascinating stories of the past, present and future of the Hondsbossche and Pettemer dam.
Zand - Oerol - 2011
After five years of controversial ‘Temporary Landscapes’ including Jaarringen and WindNomaden, SLeM landed again at Terschelling. For Oerol 2011, SLeM develops a film installation ‘landscape display’: poetic documentaries of the previous projects, which were never exhibited at Oerol before.
O van Overijssel - Overijssel - 2010
In three weeks time, a Red Globe of four meters in diameter was pushed forward as accurate as possible along the largest circle within the borders of Overijssel. The circle had a length of approximately hundred and thirty kilometers and a diameter of forty kilometers.
WindNomads - Oerol - 2009
For Oerol 2009, SLeM introduced the theme ‘follow suit’ by situating large moving paintings at the beach of Terschelling. Three hundred eighty three artists were asked to paint a WindNomad. The paintings were standing in groups on the never-ending Noordsvaarder wad, the tide as a prevailing actor. In 2009 the WindNomads travel to New York and in the last years they traveled in small groups through the Netherlands.
Opdrift – Oerol – 2008
Metal silhouettes, with ‘wise-sayings’ about time, moved slowly from east to west along the shore of the North Sea of Terschelling during the 10-day Oerol Festival in 2008. The three hundred silhouettes were walking backwards moved by the public, as we move towards the future.
LangsteLenteLicht – Overijssels channel - 2008
The Friday before Eastern 2008 at full moon, the festival of lights, a thousand lanterns and three thousand torches were placed and ignited by the inhabitants of Salland along the 20-kilometer long Overijssels channel from Deventer to Lemelerveld.
Zomersprookjes - along the Dutch coast - 2007
Zomersprookjes (summertales) are seventy tales, poems and soundscapes written for the giant glass shells that ‘washed ashore’ along the Dutch coastline in the summer of 2007, to tell stories. After listening to or reading the tales, the sea will never be just 'sea' again!
Jaarringen - Oerol - 2006
At the beach of Terschelling an enormous sand sculpture has been created in the form of annual growth rings - one for each of Oerol’s 25 years - symbolizing growth and development. The rings vary in height from sea level to more than two-meters high in the centre. The entire sculpture has a diameter of 400-metres.
Dansendwoud - Oerol - 2005
The landscape installation Dansendwoud (dancing forest) is an experience you will never forget. It is a forest, composed out of thousands of 4-metres high ‘branches’ that sway in the wind, in the ‘breakers’ between beach post numbers 11 and 12. The Dansendwoud visualized the natural process of the current and the primal forces of the sea and wind.
Bosoase - Almere - 2001
The manifestation of a forest is determined by a combination of non-biological factors, and the possibilities that these factors offer to the development of the flora and fauna. Bosoase is a forest (bos) concept that plays and experiments with these conditions.
Exploring and revealing the feasible and constructible boundaries of forest-forming conditions.
Een bloeiend dorp – Heeten - 2001
The idea to literally flower the Salland village Heeten with sunflowers arose from the need to highlight the village culture. The annual festival week in September, the Pony Week, which was held for the fortieth time in 2001, was the prefect occasion. What is a more appropriate symbol than a village full of sunflowers?
Convoi Exceptionnel - Hilversum - 1998
DS Landscape architects redesigned the layout of the Kerkbrink for the city of Hilversum. The official opening in 1998 was prepared in collaboration with the Griftheater and filmmakers Heinerich Kaegi and Andras Hamelberg. The ideas was to make a film about the transportation and placement of the large stone that forms the ‘pièce de résistance’.