Brooklyn youngsters‚Ä®
Ariaan Witteveen

It’s 10.30 am local time and the location is picturesque New York. 120 kids from Brooklyn (Breukelen) have just arrived on Governors Island. Brigitte is entertaining these youngsters in her own way. While she explains SLeM to them, Yana is taking photos. There is a program for children, and they are divided into three groups. In turn, the groups visit Jacob and his cow, the Silent Disco and... SLeM. SLeM has revived it’s fine Oerol project and the children make their own wind nomad. On the long table, where the ‘walking culinary feast’ takes place in the evening, Veronique, Corine and Brigitte are standing to distribute paint, brushes and small pieces of wood to the small Brooklynites. The kids are really enjoying painting. It’s peaceful at our beautiful Windnomaden field. Are the New Yorkers waiting for the weekend?
Till the next time, to SLeM!